Collection: Myriam FEUILLOLEY

An art from dreams

 Myriam Feuilloley paints humans. Inspired by a dream, she seeks to express the links between the invisible and the real.

The characters in his paintings are always naked and bald. Free from any social reference, they are stretched, metamorphosed, purified. In a symbolic mode in which humor is not absent, they appear as incarnate and sensual souls, souls in evolution.

 Feuilloley creates drawings in charcoal, pastel, ink, and watercolor; she produces her oil paintings using the 15th century Flemish technique.

Marked by ancient Egyptian and Khmer art as much as by Modigliani and Dali, it is part of contemporary surrealism.

 Myriam Feuilloley was born in Le Havre , trained at the Beaux-Arts in Rouen, and graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris .

From the Terre-Neuvas Museum in Fécamp to the Villa Carlotta Museum in Italy, from the Montivilliers Abbey to the Museum of Fine Arts in Ho Chi Minh City, she continues a journey of local and international exhibitions.

She illustrated La Fontaine's fables, published by Editions Belize. A monograph "Feuilloley, 20 years of painting" was published in 2006.

She is a member of the Taylor Foundation. She is part of the Le Havre collective Echelle, which supports female artists.

Myriam Feuilloley lives in Normandy near Fécamp.



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