Collection: Delphine Lafontaine


Trained in sculpture through modeling and molding using traditional techniques in Jean-Sébastien Raud's workshop in Puteaux, Delphine Lafontaine-de Bayser's work focuses on human nature whatever its form.

Passionate and fascinated by the complexity of the human being, she tries to capture some fragments of his soul through the language of the body, formidable vectors of emotions and communication. A bone, a muscle, reveal something of the history of each one.

At the same time, the "duality" that exists between the dark side and the light side makes it an infinite quest within his work. The unfathomable riches of humanity, its fragilities and its strengths
are part of the material.

The expression of the body and the face in particular, to which she gives great importance, the attitude of a modeled character are gateways to the mystery of incarnation.

The viewer is invited to enter the world of these characters, each one as different from the other.

Working on his personal subjects or on commissions, some public works are visible in Gap, Coetquidan and Versailles-Satory.
His work has been recognized in recent years in various salons in the Ile de France region (Salon des Artistes Français, Salon de Dourdan, Salon de Puteaux).

Delphine Lafontaine

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