Collection: SO (Sophie Dabet)

Born in Champigny-sur-Marne in 1972, SO has dual nationality: painter and sculptor. She cultivated her gift for painting and sculpture at the Atelier Met de Penninghen (Paris). After studying to be a scenographer, she gave free rein to her passion, or rather her passions, painting and sculpture.

Today, it is sculpture that has taken precedence over everything else, so much so that SO has left everything to devote herself to it. Abandoning the Paris region and her activities in the private sector (Artistic Director of a social magazine) and the public sector (Teacher of visual arts), SO now works in Burgundy where she lives and from where she shines, surprises and enchants us…

Recognized for her talents as an animal sculptor, SO proves to be an outstanding visual artist capable of manipulating the most capricious materials with all the authority necessary for the most precise realization of her desires. Working mainly stone and wood in direct carving, we can only recognize this disconcerting mastery of ease, that of creators in perfect possession of their art. Liking to observe at length the lifestyle and habits of her subjects of study, SO always begins with a work of drawing in volume, work that she knows perfectly thanks to her training and her experience as an architect, as well as because of her lifelong passion for drawing which , for her remains a queen discipline, essential and prior to any other form of art. There , she joins the thought of Giacometti who affirmed: "There is only the drawing that counts, a few strokes of infallible precision are enough..." . 

Far from wanting to base her style on theoretical demonstration, it is with a sincere and subtle naturalness that she defines her own originality. With her, sculpture does not seem to rest on tedious technical prerequisites , but solely on a noble and naive love of nature and its forms. 

With several strings to her bow as a visual artist, SO (Sophie Dabet) has found a lifelong passion in sculpture.

Member of the French Artists, of the National Salon of Animal Artists of Bry sur Marne, of the Taylor Foundation, and other Associations
Member of the
Maison des Artistes and of Adagp . 

During these twenty-three years of creation , SO has received a large number of prizes and distinctions including the Prix Pompon (2019); Prix Edouard-Marcel Sandoz (2019); Gold Medal (2017) and Silver Medal (2011) Salon des Artistes Français ; Silver Medal (2015) and Gold Medal (2016) Salon d’Art Animalier de Bry-sur-Marne ; Silver Medal (2014) Salon de la Marine (Museum of the Navy ); Taylor Prize (2010) by the Taylor Foundation, etc.


Works on request and book

SO (Sophie Dabet)

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