Collection: Thierry Citron

I am a painter of motifs inspired by landscapes. Observed landscapes or imagined landscapes. At the beginning is the search for a subject, perhaps the most mysterious part of creating a painting. It is a kind of call from the intimate. Why does a place or a theme inspire you while another refuses to speak to you? I believe that multiple layers of culture, memories, sensations must intervene and lead to a conclusion: this is where you have to work or this is the theme that you have to paint on today.   

To paint I try to look without seeing, to feel without looking and to put my know-how into motion in an almost instinctive attitude. The fewer strategies I have developed, the less I will have prepared the "infallible recipe" and the more I will be assured of leading the good adventure that will make me go to the end of what I feel - or at least of what I think I feel.

Thierry Citron's CV

Thierry Citron

Virtual Exhibition - Thierry Citron

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