Collection: Francois Lemaire
I work in series. For each of them, I have the same objective, to create a poetic relationship with the person looking at the painting. It is about, from an idea, a color, or simply, a trace, imagining a motif. It is on this motif that the relationship occurs to go beyond a strictly figurative representation. It is about leaving, as much as possible, the field free to an interpretation, a diffuse sensation and, I hope, to a kind of dream.
What interests me in painting is its poetic intensity. It is a space that goes far beyond the simple representation of things. Another territory where the question of time, space, being and ultimately life unfolds.
François Lemaire's CV

Series, "Blue, the in-between world" François LEMAIRE
The color blue is the color we know best, it attracts, we...
Series “The orange of my eyes” François LEMAIRE.
As a child, I used to walk in my father's lands in...
"Green Against Everything" Series. 2023
Presentation of the series In green and against everything. there are as...
“Improbable Landscapes” Series François LEMAIRE
I was born from a landscape. I spent my childhood there until...
Series "24 images in the life of a landscape" 2018
Twenty-Four Hours in the Life of a Landscape is a series of...