Born in Champigny-sur-Marne in 1972, S0 has dual nationality: painter and sculptor. She cultivated her gift for painting and sculpture at the Atelier Met de Penninghen (Paris). After studying to be a scenographer, she gave free rein to her passion, or rather her passions, painting and sculpture.
“SO – Under the bark of stones”
With several strings to her bow as a visual artist, SO (Sophie Dabet) has found in sculpture the passion of a lifetime
We dedicated pages to her several years ago, at a time when her pictorial and sculptural productions were mixed. Today, it is sculpture that has prevailed over everything else, to the point that SO has left everything to devote herself to it.
Recognized for her talents as an animal sculptor, SO proves to be an outstanding visual artist capable of handling the most capricious materials with all the authority necessary for the most precise realization of her desires. Now working exclusively with rock in direct carving, we can only recognize her disconcerting mastery of ease, that of creators in perfect possession of their art. Behind her animal art productions lies a beautiful rigor with regard to the motif. Liking to observe at length the lifestyle and habits of her study objects, SO likes to begin with a work of drawing in volume, work that she knows perfectly thanks to her training and experience as an architect, as well as because of her lifelong passion for drawing which for her remains a queen discipline, essential and prior to any other form of art.
But SO is also a formidable anatomist, offering female nudes with enchanting curves and surprising delicacy when one knows the difficulty of exploiting the raw materials that she chooses for their texture and unique colors. Far from wanting to found her style by theoretical demonstration, it is with a sincere and subtle naturalness that she defines her own originality. With her, sculpture does not seem

rely on tedious technical prerequisites, but only on a noble and naive love of nature and its forms.
Thibaud Josset – Universe of Arts 172
"SO sculpts almost exclusively stone - direct carving -. She takes a risk because the gesture is definitive, without any possibility of repentance, but SO likes risk and challenges. She gives movement "to the static", she constructs her forms along a strong and sensual line. This is why she chose to be figurative. She "evokes" animals and bodies by practicing what in literature we call ellipses, omissions, the non-represented, it is the art of the shortcut or the implied while having a deep respect for the anatomy of the model, which she scrutinizes and learns to make it "true". Her starting point remains the drawing, the line. There she joins the thought of Giacometti who affirmed: "It is only the drawing that counts, a few strokes of infallible precision are enough..." J.-L. Avril - Univers des Arts 166
"She observes the world around her to transcend it and give life to a face, a body, an animal. Her oils, inks and sculptures express movement and strength with elegance. In sculpture, So works raw material with energy and determination. The form springs from the stone. The creative energy is there. At random inspiration, the raw form becomes a hen, a bull, a fish, a bear or a woman languid under the curves, the force is constantly present, coiled, palpable. The harmony and serenity that her works give off come from this unique encounter between strength and elegance that makes the material "give back its soul".
Silvain François – Art critic
"An inspired aesthetic complicity. It is through the strength of his drawing, through the power of the line, that So constructs the architectures of his sculptures. Accomplice of his sharp gaze, the pencil is docile to his intentions, disciplined under his gesture, it follows his thoughts, accompanies his sensations, inspires his creativity"
Céline Josset Universe of Arts 137
"This complete, passionate and sensitive artist is in perpetual search of materials, volumes, colors. Everything is a source of inspiration for her. She is curious about all techniques and she has this wonderful advantage of being able to switch from brush to chisel. Today oil, Indian ink, and tomorrow stone, wood, then bronze."
Céline Josset Universe of Arts 103
TV report – France 3
Youtube: “Bear Games” - direct cutting of a one-ton stone.

Multi-rewarded on the occasion of the numerous collective and personal exhibitions and invitations of honor in which SO has participated. Today represented by different Galleries: Beaune, Le Havre, Versailles, Bois-Colombes, Brussels, etc.
Art3f Paris - Art Capital "Society of French Artists" Palais Ephémère Paris" - Lions Club Lyon (69) - Clamecy Museum (58) ...
Art en Capital “Society of French Artists” Palais Ephémère Paris – ANTICA (Galerie Philippe Heim) Brussels - International Painting and Sculpture Exhibition of Vittel – Exhibition at the Galerie Berger Beaune (21) – Open days of my Studio summer 2023 - Exhibition of works by guests of honor from the last 10 years in Saint Aignan Grand Lieu (44) - SNAA Bry-sur-Marne (94).
Art en Capital “Society of French Artists” Palais Ephémère Paris – Personal exhibition + conference invited by Micro Folies Auxerre (89) – Open house of my Summer 2 Studio Espace Nesles exhibition by Art Bayart Paris – Pompon Museum: exhibition of the “beneficiary” artists of the Pompon prize – Invited to Quincy s/Sénart (77) - Guest of honor in Sceaux (92) – Guest of honor in Cormeilles en Parisis (95) – Exhibition of the “Art Collection” collective in Beaune (21).
2021 COVID Year
Vittel International Painting and Sculpture Exhibition – Saulieu Auction (21) –
SO Workshop open house during the summer.
2020 COVID Year
Art in Capital “Society of French Artists” Grand Palais Paris – Galerie en Ré Bois Colombes (92) – Galerie Pascal Frémont Le Havre (76) – Inauguration of the SO Workshop – SAB (Philippe Heim Gallery) Brussels
Art in Capital “Society of French Artists” Grand Palais Paris – SAB (Galerie Philippe Heim) Brussels – Personal exhibition at the Galerie Vanaura Versailles (78) - Paris “Art and Design” Galerie Philippe Heim - 37th Salon du Val de Cher in St Victor (03) – Salon du Rotary Club Dôle (39) – Yachting Festival (Galerie Philippe Heim) Cannes (06) – SNAA Bry- sur-Marne (94) Guest of Honor Sculpture Sandoz Prize

Art en Capital “Society of French Artists” Grand Palais Paris – Solo exhibition in duo with Jean Lemonnier at the Vanaura Gallery Versailles - Paris “Art and Design” Galerie Philippe Heim - Solo exhibition in duo with Christophe Drochon, animal painter, at the Carré des Coignard in Nogent-sur-Marne (94) – International Contemporary Art Fair of Vittel (88) – SAB Brussels (Costermans Gallery) – Invited to the Saint-Brisson-sur-Loire Fair (45500) – 42nd National Animal Art Fair of Bry-sur-Marne (94) – Guest of honor at the Villa Medici, Saint-Maur Museum (94).
Art en Capital “Society of French Artists” Grand Palais Paris – PAD Paris “Art and Design” - Personal exhibition with the Painter Yon Man Kwon at the Galerie Daniel Doublet Avranches (50) - Personal exhibition “Animalissime” Villa Cathala – Noisy-le-Grand (93) – SAB Galerie Costermans Brussels – Invited by the City of Crécy-la-Chapelle (77) Personal exhibition in duo with the Painter Hubert Magnier – Invited by the City of Rambouillet (78) Personal exhibition at the Lanterne – 41st National Animal Art Fair of Bry-sur-Marne (94)
Animal Art Biennial of Saint-Pierre-lès-Nemours (77); Personal exhibitions at Galerie Vanaura in Versailles (78); Galerie en Ré in Bois-Colombes (92); Galerie du Passage in Périgueux (24); Other exhibitions: Invited to the Château des Bouillants in Dammarie-les-Lys (77); Professional Art Fair with Jean Lemonnier as part of Regards sur les Arts – Lamballe (22); Animal sculpture fair in Rambouillet (78); 40th Animal Art Fair in Bry-sur-marne (94)
March: Guest of honor at the Salon de Saint-Florent-sur-Cher (18); March/April: With the painter Stéphane Ruais at the Galerie en Ré in Bois-Colombes (92); April/May: Four animal sculptors at the Maison des Arts d'Antony (94); May/June: Galerie Chikabee in De Haan (Belgium); August: Galerie en Ré in Pont l'Abbé (29); Oct/Nov/Dec: Guest of honor at the Salon Arts en Scène Asnières (92), Professional Salon in Annet-sur-Marne; Salon d'Art animalier de Bry-sur-marne (94); Salon des Artistes Français (Art en Capital) Grand Palais Paris.
Exhibition of the National Museum of the Navy - Palais de Chaillot Paris; Exhibition Mennecy (91); Exhibition Lions Club Draveil (91); Exhibition of Val de Cher (03); Exhibition ADAC St-Germain-lès- Corbeil (91); Exhibition Fine Arts of Raincy (93); Festival of Animal Art Montreuil-sur-Mer (62); Exhibition ArtMagna at the Maison de l'Image Brussels (Belgium); Exhibition Château de Beauregard (41); Exhibition of Art Etampes (91); Solo exhibition for the 150th anniversary of the Société Générale; National Exhibition of Animal Art of Bry-sur-marne (94); Art in Capital - Society of French Artists Grand Palais Paris; Exhibition Artists of Val de Marne La Varenne (94).
Salon Mennecy (91); Salon Verrières le Buisson (78); Salon Margency (95); Guest of honor at the Salon de Gometz-le-Chatel (91); Salon d’Automne Paris; National Animal Art Salon of Bry-sur-marne (94) – Salon Art en Capital French Artists Paris

Art and Matter Boigneville (91); Fine Arts Fair Le Raincy (93); Guest of Honor Courtry Fair (77); Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines Fair (78); St-Germain-lès-Corbeil Art Fair (91); Pierrefitte Art Fair (93); Invited to Maromme Fair (76); Etampes Art Fair (91); International Exhibition Artists of the World Cannes Croisette (06); Guest of Honor St Aignan Grand Lieu Fair (44); Annet-sur-Marne Professional Fair (77); Ballancourt Art Fair (91); National Animal Art Fair Bry-sur-Marne (94); Art in Capital - French Artists Fair Grand Palais Paris
Biennale of Naturalist Artists of Fontainebleau (77); Biennale Villemomble (93); Salons Mennecy (91); Salon d'Art Etampes (91); Art en Capital - Salon of French Artists Grand Palais Paris; Ormesson Cultural Center (94); Salon Fontenay-le-Fleury (78); Salon Art et Matière Boigneville (91); Guest of Honor Salon Ablon (94); Salon de Courtry (77); Guest Salon d'Art Dréanais Saint-André-des-Eaux (44); Salon d'Art Ballancourt
(91); Invited to the “Oasis” Salon at the Palais des Congrès (Paris)
French Artists Fair Vincennes (94); Art and Matter Maisse (91); Val de Marne Artists Fair La Varenne (94); Artists Meetings Fair Draveil (91); Art Fair Ballancourt (91); Animal Art Fair Bry-sur-Marne (94); Invited to the Autumn Fair Carquefou (44); Sculpture Biennial Rambouillet (78); Plural Arts Montargis (45); Art Fair St Arnoult en Yvelines (78); Art Fair Chéroy (89); Art Fair Gagny (93); Biennale Boissy-St- Léger (94); Invited to the Natural History Museum of Bordeaux (33); Fine Arts Fair Le Raincy (93); Art Fair Garches (92); Naturalist Artists Fair of Essonne (91)
ANVL Fontainebleau (77) Art Fair; Chéroy Art Fair (89); Ballancourt Art Fair (91); Etampes Art Fair (91); Le Raincy International Fair (93); Val de Marne Artists Fair; Art en Capital – French Artists Fair Grand Palais Paris; Forms and Colors Fair Vélizy (78); Animal Artists Fair Bry-sur-marne (94); Villemomble Fair (93); Morangis Sculpture Fair (91); Vincennes Art Fair (94); Lions Club Draveil Fair (91); Château des Tourelles Plessis-Trévise (94); Montauger Fair (91); St Arnoult en Yvelines Fair (78)
Violet Salon Paris; International Salon Le Raincy (93); Contemporary Artists Salon Honfleur (14); Artists Salon Val de Marne (94); Guest of Honor Chéroy Art Salon (89); Art en Capital – French Artists Salon Grand Palais Paris; Autumn Salon Sorèze (81); Animal Artists Salon Bry-sur-Marne (94); St Pierre du Perray Salon (91); Animal Art Salon St Pierre lès Nemours (77); Artists Meetings Salon Draveil (91); Animal Sculpture Biennial Rambouillet (78); 51st Garches Salon (92); Lions Club Salon Draveil (91); Essonne Naturalist Artists Salon (91); Morangis Salon (91); French Artists Salon Vincennes (94); Briard Artists' Fair Bry-sur-Marne (94); Val de Marne Artists' Fair (94); Guest of Honor (Blue Parenthesis) Château des Tourelles Plessis-Trévise (94); Fine Arts Fair Le Raincy (93); Ballancourt Art Fair (91); Etampes Fair (91)

Art Fair of St-Germain-lès-Corbeil (91); International Fair Le Raincy (93); Art Pluriel Fair of Rueil-Malmaison (92); St Pierre du Perray Fair; Contemporary Artists Fair Honfleur (14); Autumn Fair Saint-Mandé (94); Val de Marne Artists Fair (94); Art en Capital – French Artists Fair Grand Palais Paris; Guest on the Cité de l'Image stand at Gmac Bastille Paris; Forms and Colors Fair Vélizy (78); Autumn Fair of Sorèze (81); Animal Artists Fair Bry-sur-Marne (94); Villemomble Fair (93); Museum of Decorative Arts of Moscow
Salon Violet Paris; Art Salon of St-Germain-lès-Corbeil (91); International Art Salon Le Raincy (93); Art Pluriel Salon of Rueil-Malmaison (92); Spring Salon of Neuville (95); Lions Club Salon Evry Sénart (91); Contemporary Artists Salon Honfleur
(14); Saint-Mandé Autumn Salon (94); Val de Marne Artists' Salon (94); Art in Capital French Artists' Salon Grand Palais Paris
Salon Violet Paris; Art Salon of St-Germain-lès-Corbeil (91); International Salon Le Raincy (93
Salon Violet Paris)
Edouard-Marcel Sandoz Foundation Prize awarded by the SNAA of Bry-sur-Marne, guest of honor at the 2019 National Animal Art Show. Pompon Prize awarded at the SAB in Brussels by Liliane Colas – Expert on the sculptor Pompon – for SO's work entitled
“THE SEDUCER” direct size.
Miky Han Private Prize – Salon of French Artists Art Capital Paris
Gold Medal of the Salon of French Artists Art Capital Paris

Grand Prix of the City of Saint-Pierre-lès-Nemours (77) - Grand Prix of the City of Rambouillet (78) - Gold Medal of the National Animal Art Show of Bry-sur-Marne (94)
Medal of Honor of the City of Asnières sur Seine (92); Silver Medal of the Animal Art Salon of Bry-sur-Marne (94)...
Jury Prize of the Lions Club Draveil (91); Silver Medal at the Marine Exhibition, Marine Museum, Palais de Chaillot, Paris; Gold Medal at the Val de Cher Exhibition (03); Sculpture Prize, Château de Beauregard (41)
Public Prize St Arnoult en Yvelines (78) – Medal of the City of St Germain lès Corbeil (91) – Prize of the Art Workshops of Ballancourt (91) – Public Prize Annet-sur-Marne (77)
Boigneville Sculpture Prize (91) - Jury Prize + City of Courtry Prize (77) - Silver Medal at the Salon of French Artists Art en Capital, Grand Palais Paris
Taylor Prize awarded by the Taylor Foundation (Art en Capital – French Artists)
Bronze medal St Arnoult en Yvelines – Sculpture prize of the City of Morangis (91)
Senator's Prize in Chéroy (89) - Univers des Arts Prize at the Artists' Meetings Salon in Draveil (91) - Public Prize at the 76th Etampes Salon (91) - Workshop Prize at the Ballancourt Salon (91) - Sculpture Prize at the Val de Marne Artists Salon (94) - Bronze Medal at the Grand Palais Paris French Artists Salon - Honorary Diploma at the 47th Vincennes Salon (94)
Prize of the City of Sorèze (81) - Rosini Prize Animal Artists' Salon Bry-sur-Marne (94) - Sculpture Prize of the City of Villemomble (93)
Lions Club Prize Evry (91) - Bronze medal, public prize Honfleur - Silver medal at the Saint-Mandé (94) autumn fair
Public Prize St Germain lès Corbeil - Universe of Arts Prize Le Raincy - Rosini Prize Salon Violet Paris -

Universe of Arts 103; Universe of Arts 137; Universe of Arts 166; Universe of Arts 172; Animal Art Book “Contemporary Masters and Artists” – Ed. Abbate Piolé; Various press articles and interviews ...
Graphic and thematic creation of the stained glass windows of the Christ the King church - Bandjoun Cameroon) 2017

Private collections “direct sizes”

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